Alpha Omega Lifepac History & Geography 6th Grade Workbooks Set
Grade: 6MPN: HIS0600
ISBN: 867170379
Retail Price: $50.99
Need to teach your child history and geography? Already have the LIFEPAC teacher's guide? We have just the thing - the LIFEPAC 6th Grade History & Geography 10-Unit Set! This comprehensive homeschool curriculum consisting of ten easy-to-understand worktexts without a teacher's guide is perfect for you. It provides a complete overview of important history and geography topics with questions to help reinforce what your student reads. Lifepac's Social Studies: History & Geography curriculum helps students to understand the world - and their place in it - through studying history, cultures and the environment. Each of the ten captivating units includes appealing pictures and interesting lessons to improve your child's understanding of the world!
This Grade 6 workbook set covers:- World Geography
- The Cradle of Civilization
- Greece and Rome
- The Middle Ages
- Six South American Countries
- Other American Countries
- Africa
- Modern Western Europe
- Modern Eastern Europe
- The Development of Our World