Alpha Omega Lifepac Math 2nd Grade Student Workbooks Set
Grade: 2MPN: MAT0200
ISBN: 158095717X
Retail Price: $50.99
With Math LIFEPAC Grade 2 curriculum, repetition, drill and application ensure mastery of basic computational skills. As problem solving ability increases, students progress to higher-level cognitive reasoning and analysis. This mastery-based math program contains ten colorful worktexts designed for growing math students. As your student progresses through this ten-part series, he will learn about numbers, place value, adding with carrying, subtracting with borrowing, fractions, measurement, coin conversion, time, directions, temperature, and much more! Each second grade math worktext offers step-by-step lessons, fun activities, and lots of colorful illustrations—all designed to encourage mastery of taught concepts. Full color illustrations, simple, easy to understand directions and the joy of completing workbooks make this a fun program for second graders.
Grade 2 Workbooks each cover a unique math concept. Subjects include:- Numbers and words to 99, symbols +,-,=,<,>
- Add/subtract, even/odd, fractions
- Add with carrying to 10s place, standard measurements
- Numbers/words to 999, graphs
- Add/subtract to 100s place, add fractions
- Subtract with borrowing from 10s place, subtract fractions
- Subtract with borrowing from 10s place, subtract fraction
- Add with carrying to 100s place, rounding and estimation
- Volume, coin conversion, directions N,S,E,W
- Area/square measurement, review