Apologia Exploring Creation with Botany Lapbook CD

Apologia Exploring Creation with Botany Lapbook CD

ISBN: 983267626
Retail Price: $25.00
Price: $22.50
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Does your student enjoy hands-on learning? Do you have a student who loves to be creative and make things his own? Have you searched high and low for a quality Christian science book for elementary kids? If so, the Exploring Creation with Botany lapbook is what you've been searching for!

The Young Explorer series by Jeannie Fulbright is the #1 science program for Christian kids. The Exploring Creation with Botany lapbook is designed to go right along with Mrs. Fulbright's Exploring Creation with Botany science book.

This book begins with a lesson on the nature of botany and the process of classifying plants. It then discusses the development of plants from seeds, the reproduction processes in plants, the way plants make their food, and how plants get their water and nutrients and distribute them throughout the body of the plant. As students study these topics, they also learn about many different kinds of plants in creation and where they belong in the plant classification system.
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