Martyrs Mirror Thieleman Braght 1700 Years Of Martyrdom
ISBN: 083611390XMartyrs Mirror by Thieleman J. Van Braght
This is a brand new still in the original shrink wrap Martyrs Mirror.
Like Fox's Book of Martyrs, Martyrs Mirror tells the tales of those, beginning with Christ's apostles, who were willing to stand alone for a simple, obedient faith. This classic 1660 Dutch book memorializes the godly lives and glorious deaths of European Anabaptist martyrs between 1524 and 1660 and thousands of other early Christians. The compiler T.J. Van Braght draws on the work of other historians, such as John Fox (who even tried to defend some of the jailed martyrs in this book), Eusebius, P.J. Twisck, Sebastian Franck, and Abraham Mellinus. These stories shine a mirror on ordinary people who experienced a spiritual reality that few today can comprehend.
Classic graphic accounts of more than 4,000 Christians who endured suffering, torture, and a martyrs death because of their simple faith in the gospel of Christ. Includes more than 50 finely detailed etchings by noted Dutch artist Jan Luyken.
Songs, letters, prayers, and confessions appear with the stories of many defenseless Christians who were able to love their enemies and return good for evil.
This gigantic 1,158 page book calls believers to follow Jesus in all areas of life, even unto death. Come what may, true Christian commitment demands supreme discipleship and steadfast adherence to the teachings modeled by Jesus and his apostles.
This classic, gigantic work is the record of Christian faith and endurance from the first century to the Anabaptist persecutions in the 16th. Baptist, Brethren, Mennonite, and other descendants of the Anabaptist will be especially interested in these stories of men and women who died for their belief.CBA Marketplace
Written and published in 1659 by a Dutch Mennonite, Thieleman J. van Braght, to strengthen the faith of his fellow believers, and translated into German in 1748 at the time of the French and Indian War for the same reason. In 1886 Martyrs Mirror was translated into English to challenge generations of Christians in North America.