Saxon math programs produce confident students who are not only able to correctly compute, but also to apply concepts to new situations. These materials gently develop concepts, and the practice of those concepts is extended over a considerable period of time. This is called "incremental development and continual review." Material is introduced in easily understandable pieces (increments), allowing students to grasp one facet of a concept before the next one is introduced. Both facets are then practiced together until another one is introduced. This feature is combined with continual review in every lesson throughout the year. Topics are never dropped but are increased in complexity and practiced every day, providing the time required for concepts to become totally familiar. Saxon's Math K program is carefully planned and packaged in a homeschool kit to make your teaching experience easier. Kindergartners will develop skills including oral counting; recognizing and sequencing numbers; identifying ordinal position; acting out addition and subtraction stories; counting with one-to-one correspondence; sorting; patterning; graphing real objects and pictures; identifying and counting pennies, nickels, and dimes; identifying one half; identifying shapes; covering and replicating geometric designs; measuring using nonstandard units of measure; telling time to the hour; and using a calendar. Oral assessments are built into the program. Grade K.